Cigarette Smoking Linked to
Risky Sexual Behavior Among Teens
smoking and risky sexual behaviors often occur together in teens and
can be a reflection of addictive lifestyles and role modeling.
A study at the
University of Southern California found that there are
relationships between cigarette smoking and risky sexual
behaviors. The study, conducted by Dr. Steve Sussman, claimed
that there are several reasons that explain why smoking and
sexual behavior are closely related. The study points out that
smoking and sex are endowed with seductive, addictive qualities
that may eventuate into self-destructive behavior over time.
An important reason for this correlation is that both smoking
and sex can alter the transmission of dopamine in neuronal brain
cells. They also may both be a reflection of behavioral
disinhibition, where teens become impulsive and
sensation-seeking. The evidence also shows that neither smoking
nor risky sexual behaviors occur by itself, but that they often
represent a number of behaviors and attitudes that form a
lifestyle. Lastly, smoking and sex together are often observed
as a result of parent role modeling and media exposure. It has
been reported that teens who engage in smoking and risky sex
exhibit physiological responses as well as more alienation,
depression, and lower self-esteem. Prevention programs should
be aimed at counteracting media messages and educational
outreach promoting abstinence as well as a healthy lifestyle,
both in the physical and psychological sense.1
Relations of Cigarette Smoking with Risky Sexual Behavior Among
Teens, Sexual Addictions & Compulsivity, 2005, pp. 181 - 199