Legalized Abortions Led to an Increase in STD Cases
Legalized abortion may account for as much as one-third of the
average disease incidence (specifically with an increase on
gonorrhea and syphilis).
In a report written by Jonathan Klick and Thomas Stratmann, of
George Mason University, the two authors attempted to study the many
effects that legalized abortions have had on the spread on sexually
transmitted diseases. While many articles and studies examine the
characteristics of those people who are most likely to contract
STDs, very little research has been done on how changes in the cost
of sexual practices affect STD’s. Medical researchers typically
focus on general changes in social attitudes, changing demographics,
and changing public health practices when investigating factors
involved in STD incidence, while disregarding the importance of
incentives for individual behavior. According to Klick and Stratmann,
the risk of unwanted pregnancy represents one of the major costs of
sexual activity. When abortion was legalized in a number of states
during the late 1960s and early 1970s (and nationally with the 1973
Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade), this cost was reduced as women
gained the option of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Through
their studies, Klick and Stratmann predict that abortion
legalization has led to an increase in sexual activity, accompanied
by an increase in sexually transmitted diseases. Using the Centers
for Disease Control data on the incidence of gonorrhea and syphilis
by state, Klick and Stratmann tested the hypothesis that judicial
and legislative decisions to legalize abortions have led to an
increase in sexually transmitted diseases. With this data, they
found that gonorrhea and syphilis incidences are significantly and
positively correlated with abortion legalization. According to their
estimates, abortion legalization may account for as much as
one-third of the average sexually transmitted disease incidence
(specifically, an increase of gonorrhea by up to 35% and an increase
in syphilis by up to 38%).
Effect of Abortion Legalization on the Incidence of Sexually
Transmitted Diseases, Jonathan Klick & Thomas Stratmann,
George Mason University, April 4, 2002, pp. 1-20.