Summary: Increased Risk of Breast Cancer and Informed Consent

Despite the fact that numerous studies have shown a link between abortion and breast cancer, various pro-choice and medical agencies continue to ignore the evidence. For women considering an abortion, evidence of an increased breast cancer risk should be disclosed as part of obtaining informed consent.

  • According to the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, numerous studies have shown a significant link between abortion and breast cancer. In spite of this, various medical and pro-choice organizations continue to ignore the overwhelming evidence or have gone to great lengths to try to refute the evidence. Patients contemplating any form of surgical procedure or even medical therapy (i.e. hormone replacement therapy) ordinarily expect to learn of potential threats to their future health, even if it’s uncommon and not definitively proved. For women considering abortion, evidence of an increased breast cancer risk should be disclosed as part of obtaining informed consent.1

1The Abortion-Breast Cancer Link: How Politics Trumped Science and Informed Consent, Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Vol. 8 No. 2, Summer 2003, pp. 41-43.


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