Post-Abortion Women Have Higher Outpatient Psychiatric Treatment
An analysis of
women who received funding under California's medical assistance
program shows that rates of women seeking outpatient psychiatric
treatment were 17% higher for women who aborted than those who
carried their pregnancies to term.
According to an
analysis of data gleaned from California's medical assistance
program, women who abort are more likely to receive outpatient
psychiatric treatment than those who give birth. The rates of care
was 17% higher overall for women who aborted. In the first 90 days
post-pregnancy, 63% more claims were made among the abortion group
than the birth group. Higher rates of services were found among the
abortive group at 180 days, one year, and two years as well.
Aborting women had higher rates of treatment in all but the youngest
and oldest age groups (13-19 years and 35-49 years). Significantly
higher rates of treatment for adjustment reaction, bipolar disorder,
neurotic depression, and schizophrenic disorcers were found among
post-abortion women.1
Priscilla K., David C. Reardon, Vincent M. Rue, and Jesse Cougle.
State-Funded Abortions Versus Deliveries: A Comparison of Outpatient
Mental Health Claims Over 4 Years. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 2002, 72(1) 141-152.